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      Problem with electric heater booster - https://www.mb-treff.de/forum/thread.php?id=8318

Geschrieben von Grozdanov am 12.10.2013, 17:13 Uhr:


The electric heater booster not work on my CDI. I have the fault from the picture. Does anyone know if this heater can be repaired?

Geschrieben von spookie am 13.10.2013, 03:29 Uhr:

It could be the AGR Ventil which is damaged or very dirty or the Katalysator. I heard from some cases with this error code in the past. How old is your battery?

Geschrieben von Grozdanov am 13.10.2013, 10:36 Uhr:

Original von spookie:
It could be the AGR Ventil which is damaged or very dirty or the Katalysator. I heard from some cases with this error code in the past. How old is your battery?

I doubt. I cleaned EGR before 2-3 month and the battery is since I bought the car, before 2 years. What is common between electris heater booster and EGR or katalysator?

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